Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Private Solutions assists in identifying potential fraudsters, preventing fraudulent claims, and ensuring proper indemnification of legitimate workers' compensation claims.

When it comes to workers' compensation insurance fraud, the investigation process is conducted meticulously to gather concrete evidence. The investigator utilizes video surveillance techniques to capture the fraudulent activities as they unfold. It is of utmost importance that all recordings are carried out within the boundaries of the applicable legal framework.

By strictly adhering to the legal guidelines, the investigator and our legal team ensure that the evidence collected can be presented in court and will be considered valid. This approach not only protects the rights of the investigator but also upholds the rights of the individual under investigation, ensuring a fair and unbiased process.

Our firm is responsible for conducting these investigations and employs highly trained investigators who possess exceptional skills in discreetly and professionally gathering evidence. These investigators are well-versed in maintaining the integrity of the investigation process, ensuring the utmost professionalism.

Uncover the Truth & Protect Your Future

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